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2023 Line of March

ESCORT DIVISION (Mamaroneck Avenue)            

1) VOMPD Police Motorcycle Escort  

2) American Legion Post 90 Color Guard followed by 

3) US Army 173rd Airborne Brigade Paratrooper Mr. George Bailer driving classic car 

4) Pipes and Drums of the Police Emerald Society of Westchester 

5) Parade Committee members with 

6) Murphy Brothers white truck 

7) Kiwanis Classic Car – Jackie DiMaggio 


FIRST DIVISION (Mamaroneck Ave) 

8) Grand Marshal Tony O’Callaghan 

9) Aides to the GM – wife Patti, daughter Bonnie O’Callaghan, daughter Julie Wright, son-in-law Mark Wright with grandson Robbie Wright; Dr. Anita O’Conner;  

10) Brother and former 2019 GM and Marshal Mhor Circle member Chris O’Callaghan (Marshal Mhor Sash) 

11) Additional aides to the GM are brothers Scott and Craig O’Callaghan, nephew Gus O’Callaghan, cousin Vicki Beney, and friends Father Tom Collins, Luke Walsh, Izzy Ramirez 

12) Other members of the gigantic O’Callaghan Family and the GMs dear friends, including a big contingent of supporters from Kelly’s Sea Level 

13) Kiwanis Classic Car carrying Tony’s mother Mary El O’Callaghan and brother Kevin O’Callaghan ( 

14) Classic car carrying good friend Freddy Dunn 

15) Marshal Mhór Circle of past grand marshals; Kate Bialo, Joe Durney, Kevin Plunkett, Raymond “Doc” Kiernan 

16) STEER for Student Athletes colleagues of 2022 GM Joe Durney 

17) DSNY Emerald Society Pipes and Drums 

18) School of Rock 

19) Larchmont/Mamk Brownie Troop 2996, and Daisy troop 1798 (keep troops together) 

20) MAS 

21) 2 Kiwanis Classic Cars 



SECOND DIVISION (Gertrude Avenue, near Mamaroneck Ave.) 

22) Westchester County Exec George Latimer  

23) Daisy Troops 2549 and 2622 

24) VOM Mayor Tom Murphy and Board of Trustees Nora Lucas, Manny Rawlings, Leilani Yizar-Reid and Lou Young 

25) NYPD Emerald Society Pipes and Drums 

26) NYS Assemblyman Steve Otis 

27) Daisy Troops 1839 and 1849 

28) NYS Senator Shelley Mayer, County Legislator Catherine Parker 

29) Brownie Troops 1791 and Junior Girl Scout Troop 2772  

30) Larchmont Engine 1 antique fire truck 

31) Mamaroneck Historical Society 

32) Kiwanis Classic Cars (1) carrying representatives from the  

33) Mamaroneck Chamber of Commerce. Secretary Michael Sepkowski and his wife Reenie 



THIRD DIVISION (Gertrude Avenue, near Ralph Ave.) 

34) Doherty Petri Irish Dance 

35) With music car 

36) Girl Scout Troops 2327, 1519, 2698 and 2689 

37) Kiwanis Classic Cars (2) 

38) MHS Baseball Team 

39) X-Factor Drumline 

40) Village of Mamaroneck Fire Dept. Chief Cars  

41) Village of Mamaroneck Fire Dept. and Mamaroneck Green Fire Truck 

42) Mamaroneck EMS 


FOURTH DIVISION (Ralph Avenue, behind Mamaroneck Avenue School) 

43) Maria Regina High School All Girls Marching Band (12) 

44) Jim Killoran (GM 2012), Fuller Center volunteers 

45) Sound Shore Lions Clubs  

46) Brownie Troop 02124 

47) Cadette Troop 2724 

48) Kiwanis Classic Cars (2) 

49) Tappan Zee Bridgemen 

50) TOM Fire Dept. 

51) TOM Deputy Supervisor and councilwomen Abby Katz  

52) Kiwanis Classic Cars (2) 


FIFTH DIVISION (Elliot Avenue, close to Ralph Ave.) 

53) GS Cadette Troop 1833 (8th and 9th graders) 

54) Wholly Brass Band 

55) Friendly Sons of St. Patrick 

56) Village of Larchmont Trustees Brigid Brennan and Peter Fanelli  

57) Larchmont Boy Scout Troop 4 and Cub Scout Pack 33 from Larchmont (30) 

58) Marching Cobras 

59) Harrison Fire Dept. 

60) Mamaroneck Youth Hockey Association 

61) Kiwanis Classic Cars (2) carrying Marie Moreno 


SIXTH DIVISION (Elliot Avenue, close to Mamaroneck Ave.) 

62) Pelham Cub Scouts Pack 8 

63) Village of Pelham Mayor Chance Mullen with son Finnegan and Trustee Russell Solomon 

64) Cub Scouts Pack 1 New Rochelle 

65) Mamaroneck Public Library 

66) Mamaroneck Elks 1457 

67) Kiwanis Classic Cars (2) 

68) The Big Finale – The Dixie Dandies! 

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