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2023 Scholarship Recipients

Congratulations to our 2023 Scholarship Recipients, Elizabeth (Lizzie) Astorina,  Sean Condon and Mercy Aguilar. Lizzie, Colin and Mercy have stellar academic records and fill their free time with academic clubs, sports, and community service.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Astorina (Irish Heritage Scholarship) is a senior at Mamaroneck High School with a 97% GPA. Aside from being heavily involved in many extracurricular activities, athletics, volunteering & community service, Lizzie has been a competitive Irish step dancer for over 10 years. She has competed regionally, nationally and internationally. Lizzie will be attending Georgetown University in the fall where she will be majoring in Data Science/Mathematics & Statistics.    

Sean Condon (Irish Heritage Scholarship) is a senior at Pelham Memorial High School with a 99% GPA. Sean has been very involved with his high school as part of the student government, both the football & lacrosse teams and the Boy Scouts. In addition to being involved with his high school activities, he volunteers for many local organizations. Sean has connected with his Irish culture & tradition by playing in a developing band. A recent highlight of his bagpipe career was marching down 5th Avenue in the annual New York City St. Patrick's Day parade. Sean will be majoring in Business at West Point in the fall.

Mercy Aguilar (Marshal Mohr) is a senior at Rye Neck High School and will graduate in June with a GPA of 95. Mercy immigrated to the United States halfway through her high school career from Guatemala. As one of her counselor's commented, she is one of the hardest working students in the room, with discipline, a great work ethic and determination.  Mercy will be attending Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry in the fall and will be studying Biochemistry. 

The parade committee and past Parade Grand Marshals Kate Bialo, Jim Killoran and Joe Durney, and 2024 Grand Marshal, Chance Mullen officially presented these deserving students with their scholarships at Sedona Taphouse in Mamaroneck, NY. 


Over $50,000 in scholarships has been awarded in a tradition that began with the first Sound Shore St. Patrick's Day Parade. "Our aim has always been two things”, said Parade President Joe Mauro, “To organize a great parade event for the Sound Shore community and provide for scholarships for deserving students. We’re grateful for the opportunity to make a small difference in these admirable young people’s lives.”


The Soundshore St. Patrick’s Day Parade is a celebration of Irish American heritage and the American immigrant experience representing the entire Sound Shore community, from Port Chester to Pelham, marching down Mamaroneck Avenue through the village of Mamaroneck to Harbor Island, the best place to march in a St. Patrick’s Day Parade celebration this side of Dublin City. For more information on how you and your organization can march in the parade, donate to the Parade Scholarship Fund or join us for the annual Fall golf outing, please visit

(Photo courtesy of SoundShorePhoto LLC)

2023 Scholarship Winners Mercy Aguilar, Lizzie Astorina and Sean Condon with past Parade Grand Marshals Kate Bialo, Jim Killoran , Joe Durney, and 2024 Grand Marshal Chance Mullen.

Sound Shore St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee

426 Waverly Ave.

Box 17​
Mamaroneck, N.Y. 10543

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