2019 Line of March
ESCORT DIVISION (Mamaroneck Avenue)
VOMPD Police Motorcycle Escort
American Legion Post 90 Color Guard
Pipes and Drums of the Police Emerald Society of Westchester
Parade Committee members
FIRST DIVISION (Mamaroneck Ave)
Grand Marshal Chris O’Callaghan
Wife Caroline, daughters Annie, Kerry, and Ellie,
Aides to the GM brothers Tony, Craig, Kevin, and Scott
Kiwanis Classic Car
The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick
NYPD Emerald Society Pipes and Drums
CARDS - Center for Autism and Related Disorders
School of Rock
SECOND DIVISION (Gertrude Avenue, near Mamaroneck Ave.)
Westchester County Exec George Latimer, Westchester County Clerk Tim Idoni, Assemblyman Steve Otis, County Legislator Catherine Parker, NYS Senator Shelley Mayer, County Legislator Nancy Barr, County Legislator Terry Clement
Hommocks Band
VOM Mayor Tom Murphy and Board of Trustees
Ron Belmont, Mayor & Town Supervisor of Harrison
Daisy Troops 1400 (35) and 1519
Girl Scout Brownies Troop 2702 (55) and GS Troop 2679
Doherty Petri Irish Dancers (with music van)
Former Grand Marshals Kevin Plunkett and Jim Killoran
Little Feet First school (27)
Marching Cobras band
Larchmont Engine 1 antique fire truck
Village of Larchmont Mayor Loraine Walsh and Village Board members Carol Casazza Herman, Peter Fanelli, and Malcolm Frouman
Kiwanis Classic Cars (2)
THIRD DIVISION (Gertrude Avenue, near Ralph Ave.)
The Westchester Brassmen
Village of Mamaroneck Fire Dept. Chief Cars
Village of Mamaroneck Fire Dept. and Mamaroneck Green Fire Truck
Mamaroneck Scout Pack 2 (60)
Wholly Brass Band
Mamaroneck EMS
Miss All-America Pre-Teen Queen Lily Fauci in Kiwanis Classic Car
MHS Baseball Team, MHS Hockey Team
Lynn Academy of Irish Dance
FOURTH DIVISION (Ralph Avenue, behind Mamaroneck Avenue School)
Mamaroneck GS Troop 2624; Girl Scouts troop 1824 from Mamaroneck. GS Troop 2624 Larchmont/Mamaroneck; GS Troop 2528 Larchmont/Mamaroneck
Rye Cub Scouts Pack 11; Larchmont Cub Scouts Pack 33; Larchmont Boy Scouts Troop 4; Pelham Cub Scouts Pack 8
Iona College Pipe Band
TOM Fire Dept.
TOM Board Members – Nancy Seligson, Abby Katz, Sabrina Fiddelman, and Jaine Elkind Eney
Sound Shore Lions Clubs (representing (Rye, New Rochelle, Larchmont/Mamaroneck, and Anne Sullivan Lions)
Harrison Fire Dept.
FIFTH DIVISION (Elliot Avenue, close to Mamaroneck Ave.)
DSNY Pipes and Drums
Girl Scout Troop 1848; GS Troop 2621
Port Chester Ladder 31, Rescue 40, Engine 63
Mamaroneck Youth Hockey Association
KEEPS Afterschool program
SIXTH DIVISION (Elliot Avenue, close to Ralph Avenue)
Westchester Firefighters Band
Mamaroneck Chamber of Commerce
Port Chester FD
X-Factor Drumline (20)
New Rochelle GS Troops 2795, 1812, and 2999 (line of near NR Boy scouts)
New Rochelle Pack One Cub Scouts (65-85)
Tappan Zee Bridgemen